School Uniform
A uniform gives a school and its pupils an identity, it bears the school logo, and we believe it is essential in helping to establish standards. Every child must wear the correct school uniform on each school day.
Children have the option of wearing the following items:
- Purple sweatshirt/fleece/cardigan with school logo
- Gold polo shirt
- Black tailored trousers (or tailored shorts in summer), black skirt or black pinafore dress. A purple or yellow gingham dress can be worn in summer.
- Plain black, grey or white socks
- Black shoes, boots or plain black trainers (no open toed sandals)
- Optional hijab – must be tight fitting
Jeans, tracksuit bottoms, leggings or jogging trousers are not acceptable. Nursery and Reception children, however, can wear black jogging trousers to help them to achieve independence.
Long hair should be tied back.
Other Essential Items
- Purple book bag for Reception-Year 2
- A sensible sized school bag to fit on the
cloak room peg for Year 3-Year 6
- Water bottle - needed in school at all times
- PE bag - all children need their PE kit in school at all times.
- Year 5 children will go swimming once per week, for a term. Swimming caps must be worn, and can be purchased from the office. Only trunks (no long shorts), or a one piece costume or tankini (no bikinis) can be worn.
PE kit
All children must have the following PE kit in school at all times
- T-Shirt in your child's house colour (Ebury = red, Gade = yellow, Chess = blue or Colne = green), with school logo
- Black PE shorts / black jogging bottoms (or black PE skort for girls)
- Trainers for outdoors (no logos)
- In cooler months, for outdoor PE, Years 1 to 6 can wear a plain black sweatshirt and jogging bottoms (no logos)
Long hair should be tied back and absolutely no jewellery, including earrings, should be worn.
Please ensure all clothing and equipment is labelled with your child's name. Iron-on labels are available on the Mapac website.
All children should be sent to school with appropriate outdoor clothing. Failure to have suitable clothing for the weather may mean that your child is not allowed to go outside during break times.
Our school uniform supplier
Our school uniform is provided by the local company Mapac. You are able to order at the shop, which is situated at 6 Mowat Estate, Sandown Road, Watford, Herts, WD24 7UZ. They stock our usual items, but also skirts, trousers, PE kits and much more. Orders may be made via their website, also, by clicking on the logo below:
There is a free "Click and Collect" Service available for online orders, also.
Please ensure that orders made online are made early so that items arrive in time.
Uniform Costs
We have reviewed the recent parliamentary bill, Education (Guidance about the costs of school uniform) Act 2021. We are confident that our uniform costs are reasonable for all families of all backgrounds and give parents the best value for money.