Messages of Support
We are thankful for all of your feedback and messages of support. We would like to share some of these with you.
"Very grateful to @HeadLHS and Helen Langeveld @stJohnsprimary4 for joining me today and of course to all teachers and school staff for their incredible work supporting local children and families." – Peter Taylor Watford Mayor
"We wanted to send our thanks on behalf of the Primary Conference planning group for your positive spirit to volunteer to speak and share good practice at the event from Laurance Haines perspective. We know that the request had come in during challenging time and this was additional work for you to consider the topic and prepare for presenting it. We know that school colleagues have really appreciated hearing from those in similar position in other schools in Watford and the event was really well received. We thank you for your time and effort and more than this – we thank you for all that you do for the kids at the school, the staff and the families". - Yael Leinman - Strategic Lead for Mental Health in Schools
"Day 2 of Online Class and Kristie says thumbs up mummy for today. Thumbs up She’s really enjoying it and getting more motivated wearing her school uniform at home." - Parent
"My daughters teachers are brilliant. They immediately started online learning from Tuesday.Great!" - Parent
"So impressed with Laurance Haines and their ability to keep adapting to deliver ever-improving and increasingly excellent provision, but also offering incredible pastoral support." - Parent
"Thanks very much for everything you and the school is doing to keep things as normal for the children as possible". Parent
"Just wanted to thank you so much, you have been amazing on audio with the way you have been interacting with the children." - Parent
"Thank you so much for everything you've done this week. We all think here you're doing a fantastic job. Thank you". - Parent
"I want to inform you that it is hard but now it's come in my routine I am really enjoy teaching [my child] and I am learning as well different things. It is a bit hard with little one but your cooperation is fantastic Mrs T you makes things easy for us". - Parent
"Thank you, I will do that.You are amazing,doing a wonderful job,thank you so much,Mrs.T". - Parent
"We think you're doing a great job with Google classrooms. Thank you". - Parent
"A very big Thank You to all the member os Reception team and our very own LHS to help us throughout the good and hard days".- Parent
"Thank you to the lovely LHS family for your hard work". - Parent
"Thank you staff for your hard work". - Parent
"Big thanks to the lovely nursery team". - Parent
"Thank you all, for your devotion and hard work!". - Parent
"Thank you for all you did, it was a scary moment but you pulled trough despite it all. We appreciate and love you. Thank you". - Parent
"Thank you for all your efforts to keep our children sage at this tough situation. Stay safe and enjoy the holidays to the fullest with restrictions". - Parent
"Thank you so much for all your hard work you all are true heroes!". - Parent
"Thanks to LH [Laurance Haines] family. Together we can achieve". - Parent
"Want to say a massive thank you for making time for the extra classes for the children as a parent I can't thank you enough. It's quite hard for me to be with [my child] as my husband and I are both positive [covid] and are keeping away but [child] is always ready to come on the online classes. Than you once again as I can see he seems to be more confident in what he is doing." - Parent
"I would like to take a moment and thank you and the school for everything you've done during lockdown. Not only to support the kids remote learning but also supporting the families with regular check-ins and resources etc. Thank you very much, we are honoured to be part of the Laurance Haines community". Parent
"A personal THANK YOU for all the guidance and words of encouragement these past eight weeks. Mummy wouldn't have survived without it. It is clear how much hard work has gone on behind the scene to make our lives that much easier on the Home Learning front. Looking forward to resuming normal duties on Monday and to seeing you all in person". - Parent
"I am so grateful for Laurance Haines - there's no other school quite like it. The girls run out of the door in the morning to go to school, where they feel so happy and cared for. The teachers do such an amazing job, always thinking of creative ways to teach. We love it here. Where else would you come back from half term and aliens have landed on the roof?! Or a mysterious shed has landed in the middle of the playground?!". - Parent
"Thank you for the best parent awards. It's our job to look after our kids and create a better future for them which you teacher greatly contribute towards too. Thank you for your hard work. [child] has greatly improved in English and Maths thanks to you". - Parent
"Thank you for everything you and the school are doing to keep things going in the current condition". - Parent
"I am so pleased with the teaching both my children are getting. They are both making excellent progress with their school work and are happy coming into school".- Parent
"We thank you too for providing us parents with all the materials and guidance necessary to help ur children learn throughout lockdown". - Parent
"Thank you and well done to everyone WE DID IT". - Parent
"Well done everyone! You did an amazing job!" - Parent