
Laurance Haines School is part of the Inclusive Multi Academy Trust. The Trust is an exempt charity overseen by the Secretary of State for Education, governed by the Department for Education's Academy Trust Handbook and various pieces of legislation relating to both schools and charities. James Roach is the Trust's Accounting Officer.

The main documents that set out how the Trust operates are the Articles of Association, which set our internal structure, and the Master Funding Agreement, which is the legal contract with the Secretary of State under which the Trust runs its schools. In addition, there are separate supplemental funding agreements for each individual school. There is also a Memorandum of Association which outlines the Members of the Trust.

Each school within the Trust has its own Local Governing Committee. They have staff, parent and community representation; membership details are included on the individual school websites. The Local Governing Committees provide key advice and support to the Headteacher and represent the interests of their community, reporting to the Trust Board on local issues.

How the Governors work

The Local Governing Committee meets each half-term. Governors use these meetings to take reports from the Head Teacher and the IMAT Trustees. Governors make sure we are doing everything required of us by law, by Hertfordshire County Council, and by OFSTED. 

Much of the Governors' work is done at meetings each half-term but each governor also has a particular role and visits the school regularly. 

Governor Vacancies 

Please see our Local Governor Recruitment Pack for more information.

We currently have no vacancies for our Local Governing Committee.

Contacting the Chair of Governors

The Chair of Governors, Michael Dobner, can be contacted by emailing or by writing to: The Chair of Governors, Laurance Haines School, Vicarage Road, Watford WD18 0DD. Alternatively, please call the school office on 01923 233 146.