

Term % Achieved
Autumn term 2023 94.7%
Spring term 2024 95.0%
Summer term 2024 93.5%
Autumn term 2024  

Attendance is important

If your child misses a lot of school, they will find the work harder, not feel part of the class group, find it harder to make and keep friendships, forget what they have learnt.

If your child is regularly late for school, they will find it harder to settle into the school day, miss important notices, disrupt the other children in their class.

If your child has good attendance at school, they may receive an attendance award, find it easier to learn, have closer friends, feel happier about school.

Our Attendance Policy is available to read on the Policies page of the website or in hard copy from the office. Our Medicines in School page also has useful information and policies relating to health and attendance.

Late Arrival at SchoolAttendance hero poster

When your child arrives late at school, he/she misses the teacher's instructions and the induction to the lesson. Your child may also feel embarrassed at having to enter the classroom late. School begins at 8:50am.  The morning registers officially close at 9.20am.  Pupils arriving after this time will receive an unauthorised absence mark for the whole of the morning session unless, the late arrival has been authorised by the school (e.g. for a medical appointment).  Please help your child to be punctual.

Application for leave of absence

Application for leave of absence will not be authorised for children 5 years and above, during term time. However, an Application for Leave form still needs to be completed. The form is attached below. The supplementary pages attached to the application explain the law and the circumstances in which penalty notice fines will be issued.

What is the procedure if my child is sick?

If your child becomes unwell, and is not able to attend school, please inform the school office of their absence before 9.30am on that day. You can do this by calling 01923 233146. You may leave a message on the answering machine, also.

You may be asked to provide medical evidence in the form of an appointment card or prescription etc if:

  • Your child's absence is prolonged
  • Your child has a low attendance rate