Six Principles of Nurture
- Children's learning is understood developmentally.
- The classroom offers a safe base.
- Nurture is important for the development of self-acceptance .
- Language is understood as a vital means of communication.
- All behaviour is communication.
- Transitions are significant in the lives of children.
As a National Nurturing School the six principles of nurture underpin all that we do. A whole school, nurturing approach recognises that positive relationships are central to both learning and wellbeing.
All children’s social, emotional and mental health is assessed twice a year through the Boxall Profile. This supports staff to identify SEMH barriers and work with children and families on all aspects of the individual child’s needs.
The Pastoral Team are there to support staff and share good practice to develop the children social and emotionally. They work with families in confidence to remove barriers to access education and with external agencies, so all children and families can succeed.