End of Term Awards
At the end of each term, children are nominated by staff for special awards to celebrate their achievements throughout the term.
- Ashton Award - Best performing, all-round, role model child across the Early Years.
- Slade Award - Best performing, all-round, role model child from KS1 (Years 1, 2, 3)
- Lassman Award - Best performing, all-round, role model child from KS2 (Years 4, 5 or 6)
- RWI Award - A reading award for a child currently in the RWI programme
- Platt Reading Award - A reading award for a child not in the RWI programme.
- Maureen Leo Kitchen Team Award - Children nominated by the kitchen team.
- Ridyard Eco Award - An award for environmental awareness and excellence.
- Jean Branigan Wellbeing Award - A child who demonstrates they are able to look after their own wellbeing and also notice and help others to look after their mental, social and physical health.